SB Media Day: What We Found Out About the Seahawks…- Everyone Other Than Marshawn Lynch

Micheal Bennett with his fedora was second only to Marshawn Lynch on Media Day. When asked about the police bicycle he rode after the NFC Championship game, he jokingly stated: “black people can’t steal anything from the police…bad things happen…so I borrowed it, that’s the story I’m sticking to.” We learned he’s bi-lingual, showing off his Spanish (if you call it

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Bubbling Over with Excitement: Bubbles Picks the Super Bowl Winner!

Want to know who’s going to win Super Bowl XLIX? It’s a complicated formula of stats, injury reports, wind direction, grass condition, temperature, mood swings and the probability of ‘allegedly’ tampered equipment. But, who has time? We have to go to work, feed the kids and walk the dog…you get what I mean…we’re busy people. You could watch hours of

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Wait, Cleveland isn’t Just a Cartoon Character?: Major Off Season Issues for the Browns – Part 1

Sometimes a spin off is awesome.  Like Fraser for instance.  And sometimes there’s the Cleveland Show. Yes, not everyone loves the “Family Guy”, but it does have a certain formula that, if nothing else, is consistent.  So if you like consistently random jokes concerning a fat man’s family, that include a talking dog and talking baby, interspersed with random cutaways

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Eminem Likes Mike & Ikes: What the Seahawks Need to do to Win the Super Bowl – Part 1

Six Flags Amusement Parks are great. And I don’t only mean that they’re great because they like to use the word “great” in their park names (a la “Great Adventure” and “Great America” among many others). No, I also mean that they’re great places to visit. That is, they’re great places to visit if you’re a fan of obscure Warner

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