Sex, Lives & Football (Players): Is Romo Ono?

Well, I hoped you enjoyed getting to know Mr. Gronkowski a little better.  And after discussing the boisterous, media attracting and sometimes controversial Gronk, perhaps we now turn to someone who’s a little more of a nice guy — Mr. Tony Romo. Admit it, when you saw the ESPN commercial with Tony Romo working as the receptionist, you thought “Yeah, I could

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Who is That Guy? – Part 2

Like cute cat pictures?  Of course you do, or else you wouldn’t have clicked on my article.  But that’s not what we’re here for today… It’s actually that time again — Time for your favorite game show in article form: “Who is that Guy?” (Start the intro music in your head again) Was it difficult identifying the offensive players in “Who’s that Guy?

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GarbageTalk: The Three Musketeers, Bobby, Rodge and Jerry, Celebrate A W

On exiting the stadium, I heard Pete Carrol mumbling to himself. At first, I couldn’t make it out, but eventually, he got loud enough for me to hear. He was saying: “would’a, could’a, should’a.” Yep. That about sums up the last Seattle play of the Super Bowl. But enough talk bout the losers. I’m sure all you want to talk

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