2016 BONUS NFL Fantasy Football Sleepers

By Ha Kung Wong Twitter: @FBGarbageTime So you just want all our secrets for free? We gave you a Mock Draft for Round 1 and Round 2.  Then we detailed and analyzed our own Fantasy Football Draft results.  And I even gave you my fantasy football sleepers for 2016!  But that’s not enough, is it? Well, OK then, you’re the

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2016 NFL Fantasy Football Sleepers

By Ha Kung Wong Twitter: @FBGarbageTime Go  ahead and admit it. Sometimes you just don’t have time to do all the research you want for your fantasy football draft.  I get it, you got a lot of stuff going on. Your significant other’s birthday is coming up, you have that huge test to take at school, you have a major

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Football Garbage Time NFL Podcast – NFL Preseason Week 2 Edition

By Ha Kung Wong, Ryan Whitfield and Joey Alibro  NFL Free Agency Check out the Football Garbage Time NFL Podcast as Ha Kung Wong, Ryan Whitfield and Joey Alibro discuss: Our takeaways from Week 2 of NFL Preseason games, AND MORE!! Have 15 minutes? We’ll get you caught up on the NFL! Or check it out on Blog Talk Radio! We’d also

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The Football Garbage Time 2016 Fantasy Football Draft

By The Football Garbage Time Staff We discussed who we would draft in our Mock Draft breakdown for Rounds 1 & 2.  And now it’s time for the real deal. Here…you…GO…the results of the Football Garbage Time Staff Fantasy Football Draft!  And we’re not about to go “run-of-the-mill” on you, because as you know, it’s not our style.  We’re doing

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Football Garbage Time NFL Podcast – Early NFL Preseason Edition

By Ha Kung Wong, Ryan Whitfield and Joey Alibro  NFL Free Agency Check out the Football Garbage Time NFL Podcast as Ha Kung Wong, Ryan Whitfield and Joey Alibro discuss: Our takeaways from the first set of NFL Preseason games, Our Courageous Conjectures for the 2016 NFL Season, AND MORE!! Have 30 minutes? We’ll get you caught up on the NFL!

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Batman & Superman would be in the NFC East: 2016 NFC East Preseason Preview

By Ha Kung Wong Twitter: @FBGarbageTime When I recently (begrudgingly) watched the movie “Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice”, mostly because I can’t believe that any sane person thinks that Ben Affleck makes for a good Batman (or for a good actor in any role for that matter), I immediately thought of the NFC East. Part of the reason I

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Football Garbage Time 2016 NFL Preseason Fantasy Football Mock Draft – Round 2

By the Football Garbage Time Staff As I mentioned yesterday, we’re here to help you win your fantasy football league. But just telling you who we would pick in Round 1 and why isn’t enough.  To really help, we have to go deeper to Round 2.  And that’s exactly what we did on Twitter. And, because we love our readers,

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