FGT Staff Mock Fantasy Football Draft – Rounds 3 & 4

By the Football Garbage Time Staff Last time we covered Rounds 1 and 2 of the Football Garbage Time Mock Fantasy Football Draft.  So now its on to Rounds 3 and 4! Just as a reminder, this Mock Fantasy Football Draft on Twitter (#FGTMockDraft) was for a standard Yahoo 10-team league (1 QB, 2 RBs, 3 WRs, 1 TE, 1 K & 1 DEF with standard scoring).

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FGT Staff Mock Fantasy Football Draft – Rounds 1 & 2

By the Football Garbage Time Staff As I mentioned previously, we here at Football Garbage Time are all about helping out our readers.  And with football season a little over a month away, we all know what that means…FANTASY FOOTBALL season is ALSO a little over a month away! Say what you will about whether Fantasy Football is “good” for

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Four Down Territory

By Ryan Whitfield Twitter: @RyanWhitfieldNE 1st Down Michael Florio’s article last night cited that some influential owners are urging Goodell to uphold Brady’s suspension. This thing has gotten ridiculous. It’s become all about putting the Patriots in their place, over punishing and sending a message. These owners should shut up, and Goodell should handle this thing like a man. But

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“Mo Money…Mo Money?” – Should NFL Players Be Paid More?

Have you ever wondered how dangerous your job was? Just because you sit behind a desk doesn’t mean you’re safe from injury.  Ever have a paper cut, trip and fall as you rush to a meeting, staple your finger as you put together packets, suffer from back strain or carpal tunnel syndrome? Okay, so you won’t die from any of

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