Do Mike & Ikes Like Eminem?: What the Seahawks Need to do to Win the Super Bowl – Part 2

And you’re back!  Now that we discussed Russell Wilson and what he needs to do, as well as a little bit about Six Flags Amusement Parks and Eminem, let’s turn to the other big factor for Seattle, Richard Sherman. Is Richard Sherman the One Armed Man from “The Fugitive”? As I mentioned in the Injuries & Oddities article, after spraining

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GarbageTalk: The Seahawk’s Respond To The Patriot’s Secret Baby Oil Plan

Yesterday, the world learned that the Patriots do in fact have a secret underhanded plan to win the Superbowl. That plan, of coating their running back in baby oil, was exposed first by yours truly. Now, as a much liked member of the NFL press core, I am fortunate to have contacts at every level of every organization. And that

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SB Media Day: What We Found Out About the Seahawks…- Everyone Other Than Marshawn Lynch

Micheal Bennett with his fedora was second only to Marshawn Lynch on Media Day. When asked about the police bicycle he rode after the NFC Championship game, he jokingly stated: “black people can’t steal anything from the police…bad things happen…so I borrowed it, that’s the story I’m sticking to.” We learned he’s bi-lingual, showing off his Spanish (if you call it

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Bubbling Over with Excitement: Bubbles Picks the Super Bowl Winner!

Want to know who’s going to win Super Bowl XLIX? It’s a complicated formula of stats, injury reports, wind direction, grass condition, temperature, mood swings and the probability of ‘allegedly’ tampered equipment. But, who has time? We have to go to work, feed the kids and walk the dog…you get what I mean…we’re busy people. You could watch hours of

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Eminem Likes Mike & Ikes: What the Seahawks Need to do to Win the Super Bowl – Part 1

Six Flags Amusement Parks are great. And I don’t only mean that they’re great because they like to use the word “great” in their park names (a la “Great Adventure” and “Great America” among many others). No, I also mean that they’re great places to visit. That is, they’re great places to visit if you’re a fan of obscure Warner

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GarbageTalk: The Patriot’s Strategy To Beat The Seahawks Is Baby Oil

Deflategate in this football fan’s eyes was pure comedy. Basically we heard Belichick and Brady bob and weave through reporter questions giving political-sounding answers akin to those given by Bill Clinton when answering questions about Monica Lewinsky … “I’ve never had sexual relations with that woman.” Um, OK Bill. Define “sexual relations” for me. Anyway, with Deflategate winding down, the

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