The 2015 Football Garbage Time Staff Mock NFL Draft

Howdy, y’all! We all know that the NFL Draft is right around the corner, beginning on April 30th.  And we all know that the choices that all 32 teams in the NFL make that night will be a significant part in whether they end up with the Lombardi Trophy and the 32nd pick in a future draft, or if they

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Is This Sequel Worth Watching?: Rob Housler and the Cleveland Browns

Everyone loves sequels.  But perhaps only before they’re released. Let’s take for instance my favorite “sequel” to hate (although technically a prequel), Star Wars.  Of course, I’m not referring to Empire Strikes Back or Return of the Jedi, I’m referring to the prequel trilogy, and in particular, The Phantom Menace. When the movie was announced, I was ecstatic.  I mean,

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